





Twelve Orders






Source: www.bakugan.com
Bakugan Brawler Resistance

Dan is a boy who loves playing Bakugan and gets frustrated easily. His greatest ambition is to be the number one battle brawler in the world. He is a Pyrus brawler, and his guardian Bakugan is a Dragonoid, nickname Drago.

To stop King Zenoheld from getting the attribute powers to activate the BTS, Apollonir gave his Pyrus Attribute Energy to Drago, forcing him into evolution.
Shun, now 16, appears in Bakugan: New Vestroia with a new Bakugan, Ingram.
In episode one, it is shown that Dan and the others have failed to get in touch with him. However he makes a cameo debut after Marucho passes out from his battle against Mylene Pharaoh. We hear Mylene tell him that she doesn't want to keep losing to him, and asks him if he wants to join the Vexos. When he doesn't reply, she takes that as a no.
Master Ingram
Master Ingram appeared in episode 27 when the Six Ancient Soldiers gave Drago and the other Resistance Bakugan their attribute energy. He evolved from Ingram after and due to to Oberus giving him the Ventus Attribute Energy.

Shadow Wing
It can transform with Master Ingram with the card Ninjitsu Combo. Shadow Wing comes from Master Ingram's attribute powers. He basically gives Ingram an extra 350 Gs and is treated as a real Bakugan. His appearance looks very close to Master Ingram's.
Master Ingram + Shadow Wing
Marucho returns in New Vestroia following Dan and Drago into the new world. When the Vexos attack first against Dan and Mira, he stands back and observes the new way of battling.
He was previously stuck as a statue in Prince Hydron's palace but he eventually joins back up with Marucho. It is unknown what happened to Preyas Angelo/Diablo and are presumed to be in New Vestroia. He and Minx Elfin, whom he has apparently flirted with, battled against Dryoid and MAC Spyder.
Minx Elfin
Minx Elfin is the evolution of Elfin. She now has twisting hair and a huge heart pattern on her chest. Also, she has a magic stick that lets her change her attribute.
The first time Ace appears, he doesn't think Dan and Marucho belong in the Resistance so he challenges Dan to a brawl. The brawl is a stalemate and they earn each others respect though some tension still exists between them.
Midnight Percival is the evolution of Percival. He evolved after recieveing the Darkus Attribute Energy from Exedra. Midnight Percival wears a new cape that protects him from fire and water and has additional horns on his head and shoulders for increased protection from attacks. He has fire-breathing dragon heads on his shoulders and impenetrable armor protecting his arms and legs. He also carries a mammoth stainless steel sword to slay his adversaries.
Baron Leltoy is a boy in the Resistance. He battles using the Haos attribute. He is one of Dan's biggest fans. He has spiky pink hair with a red headband over it. He is the youngest of the Resistance.
Ancient Nemus
Ancient Nemus appears in episode 27 when Mega Nemus gained Lars Lion's Haos attribute energy and evolves.
In his Darkus mode, he has changed to a black and purple color scheme and the two circles on his back become silver and have spikes protruding from the top.
Mira is the leader of the Resistance and was one of the Vexos. Using Subterra, she has a Baliton Trap Bakugan and uses Magma Wilda as her Guardian Bakugan.
Mira is a 14 year old Vestal. Her father is a scientist and her brother is Spectra Phantom. When she first played Bakugan, she thought of them as just toys. That was until she witnessed a tortured Alpha Hydranoid speak out in vengeance. It was then that she realized that Bakugan were alive and so she started the Resistance with Baron and Ace.
Magma Wilda
Magma Wilda first appears in episode 27 of Bakugan: New Vestroia when Clayf gave the Subterra attribute energy to Thunder Wilda and it evolves to Magma Wilda.
Spectra was the former leader of the Vexos organization but betrayed them because he had his own interests. He is mysterious and wears a mask in a Masquerade-like fashion, battling with the Pyrus attribute. He uses the Bakugan Trap Metalfencer, and is partnered with Pyrus Helios MK2.
Viper Helios
Viper Helios is an evil dragon that has thorns tipped with poison covering its entire body and mammoth wings that allow it to move swiftly and avoid quick attacks from opponents. To destroy its enemies, it can shoot cannonball fire blasts with rapid speed from its mouth.Cyborg Helios
In episode 21, when Spectra challenges Mira, he easily won and she asked how much power did the Cyborg Helios used to defeat Mira, Cyborg Helios simply answered that he only used 20 percent just to defeat Mira.
MK2 Helios
Helios MK2 is an upgraded version of Cyborg Helios. In this form Helios is much stronger with more advanced weapons such as one fully mechanical arm that can detach, fire lasers and the arm's base on Helios's arm is also a powerful laser.
Gus has also shown to have a great loyalty to Spectra Phantom, believing that he has the answer to all that has been happening and is willing to follow him no matter what. Spectra, on the other hand, while he values Gus' ability, he thinks nothing more of him than a servant. He doesn't seem to mind, though. Gus also tries to look out for Spectra whenever possible.
Primo Vulcan
Vulcan is a massive creature that is taller than most brawlers. Vulcan’s mighty punches shatter steel plated armor. His gigantic fists detach from its body and fire cannon-like balls. His body is reinforced by New Vestroia steel.
Rex Vulcan
Rex Vulcan's features are upgraded versions of Primo Vulcan's. His knuckles are shielded from his spinning rings. His bull horns go up instead of across. His eyes are covered by the red specs, but are brown and wild.
Blast Elico has a mask covering his mouth. His six tentacles have been replaced by a big tail. He now has three crystals instead of one. He has his fin spread out in his head and his shoulder blades are broader and bigge.
Blast Elico first appears in episode 31, when Elico evolved due to Chaos Ability X.
He assists Rex Vulcan to battle Farbros. He later dies along with Hexados, Rex Vulcan, and Gus.
Lync is part of the Vexos organization. He prefers the Ventus attribute. He's a showoff and thinks he can beat anyone anytime. He wears a green cloak and his Guardian Bakugan is Ventus Aluze and his new Trap Bakugan is unknown, but it once was Wired in season one of Bakugan: New Vestroia.
Lync is often paired with Volt Luster.
Lync's debut battle is against Dan and Mira alongside Volt, whom they lose to. He later brawls Mira with his new mechanical Bakugan, Altair. However, he loses by default when Altair's system overloads and returns itself to ball form.
Altair was the first mechanical Bakugan created. Mira saw her father turn it into ball form with 2 huge rings spinning around it.
The lenses in Altair's purple eyes glimmer brightly to see at night. Its fangs and horns are sharp as swords. The wide spread wings have spinners to hover and white steam shoots from his mouth.
Aluze is a mechanical Bakugan used by Lync. It has some of the same features as Altair, but they are upgraded versions of them.
Aluze has 3 pairs of optical sensors instead of having a pair like Altair. It has the same two legs as Altair only in green and no tail. Its body has no spinning ring inside it. It has two large spikes on its back and bottom in the form of a cross from front view. It also has turrets and lasers on its back and below.
Wired is a bird-like mechanical Bakugan which combines with Altair to form Meta Altair.
Wired has a large, indestructible beak. Small in stature, Wired is impossible to hit. With his tiny spinners, he can hover over his prey. His wings consist of five razor sharp feathers that help him fly as well as battle. Wired uses his clawed feet to shred his foes during battle.
Shadow Prove
Shadow Prove is the leading Darkus brawler in New Vestroia, and part of the Vexos, usually paired with Mylene. He is a rich Vestal prince as well. He often stumbles on his words when speaking, and often twitches or completely spazzes out.
He is Shadow's primary brawler when battling the Resistance. Hades has three fire breathing heads and six wings making him one of the fastest flying Bakugans. His three tails each have a spiky tip, so Hades can attack his opponent from many different directions. His metal exoskeleton can sustain multiple blows from any brawler, but on top of that he has three large metal thorns that further protect his heart from attack
Sylvee is a mechanical Bakugan that was used only in Bakugan: New Vestroia episode 10 by Shadow Prove.
Sylvee's head is flat and it can open it's mouth enough so that a tongue can been seen inside its head.
MAC Spyder
After Hades was destroyed by Alice and Chan Lee in episode 32, Shadow unveiled this Bakugan. It defeated both Alpha Hydranoid and Fortress at the same time, and is more powerful than Hades. It then becomes Shadow Prove's new Guardian Bakugan.
He uses MAC Spyder again against Preyas and Minx Elfin where it was put to shame by being easily defeated by Preyas
Mylene is the leading Aquos Brawler of the Vexos.
Despite being a member of the Vexos, she doesn't trust Spectra. She also tends to get annoyed by Shadow really easily. Mylene is also the only female member of the Vexos.
Elico was controlled by Mylene Pharaoh of Vexos. He's pure strength and brute force, with defensive spikes sticking out of his shoulders and knees and six tentacles that attach to his back and can wrap around his battler's arms and legs to render the battler defenseless. Elico can breathe under water. He has a large, golden diamond that shoots a water blast to defeat his opponents. On Elico's forearms are six blades used for attacking enemies and protecting his arms.
Macubass is a Mechanical Bakugan that is owned by Mylene Pharaoh, after she got rid of Elico
Macubass is a mechanical Bakugan that transforms into a manta ray-shaped jet. It shoots lasers and missiles from its two arms. Its ability ABSIDS detaches the small attack drones from its wing-like organs on its back and Mylene puts on a special headset to control the tiny gunners..
Volt is the Haos brawler of the Vexos.
Volt debuted with Lync as the first Vexos appearing. He is defeated by Dan and Mira, loosing Haos Freezer in the process. He later appears with Lync in Alpha City, facing Ace and Shun in the tournament finals, losing and getting their Dimension Controller destroyed.
Mega Brontes
Mega Brontes is Volt Luster's Guardian Bakugan. It is a clown-like Bakugan that has great speed. It evolves from Brontes. Volt used to call him Brontes
He is thrown out by Mylene along with Elico due to the point where she said they have too much emotion.
Mega Brontes along with Elico and Primo Vulcan had forced evolutions due to the Forbidden Card Chaos Ability X. He evolved into Alto Brontes. .
Boraeites is Volt Luster's Mechanical Bakugan after Mega Brontes being thrown by Mylene Pharaoh, it was used to battle Gus Grav to get back Alto Brontes in Bakugan: New Vestroia, but failed. It is very similar to Krakix.
After Mylene threw out Elico and Brontes, Volt received a mechanical Bakugan like the rest of the Vexos. It was used in Episode 33 to battle Alto Brontes. Later it lost because Volt didn't want to hurt Brontes.
Prince Hydron
Prince Hydron was the leader of New Vestroia and commander of the Vexos. He is now the new subterra brawler of the vexos and replaces Gus.
Prince Hydron ultimately wants to brawl the Resistance himself due to the Vexos' repeated failures. He also wants to battle the Resistance to prove to his father that he is a competent ruler and that he can handle them on his own. However, a major setback to his plans occurred in Episode 24 when Lync informs him that Spectra Phantom took the mechanical Bakugan for himself.
Dryoid is a warrior-like robotic Bakugan. He has guns on his arms and a cannon on his back which is also a blade. For some reason he also has a gauntlet on both arms. He sort of resembles Robotallion, only with a lot more streamlined armor. His blade from his back changes color due to it's fusion abilities.
King Zenoheld
King Zenoheld is the ruler of Vestal. He is also the father of Prince Hydron. He doesn't seem to bond very well with Hydron. He was called King 'Zerohead' by Dan. He uses a mechanical Bakugan made by Professor Clay. He is a Pyrus Brawler as he was seen using a Pyrus Gauntlet. He battled the Six Legendary Warriors of Vestroia with a Pyrus Farbros and won. He was attempting to get their Attribute Energy for the Bakugan Termination System. He replaces Spectra Phantom in the Vexos as the new Pyrus Brawler. He brawls with Pyrus Farbros, a mechanical bakugan. He is also Prince Hydron’s father and superior.
Farbros is a Pyrus Bakugan created entirely out of Vexos armor. It has a operation system that can calculate and describe the damage level to the controller of it. Farbros can combine with a supportive unit called Assail, a mechanical jet and a land rover are part of the unit. In the combine form, the rover transforms into waist and leg Armor, the jet turns into a battle pack with arm enhancers and the claw pieces that rest on Farbros' shoulders become gigantic claws for this combine mode.
When Farbros is in this mode, King Zenoheld sits in a throne/portable command chair to operate it, like a gigantic weapon. Strangely enough that Farbros resembles Dragonoid, this battle form interestingly enough resembles Maxus Dragonoid. As when King Zenoheld used the Vexos made trap known as: Assail, Farbros' G-power had unexpectedly increased by 4200.
(Destroyed on episode 41)